Return and Cancellation Policy

Our Return and Cancellation policy allows you to cancel an order should you think you do not require the item any longer. This must be done at the earliest possible time after the order was placed and you must inform us immediately by phone and email.

You can return non perishable items within 2 days after the goods were received for a full refund.

Refunds would be processed if the item has not been damaged in any way or taken out of any form of its packaging.

All purchases are covered by our “guarantee to supply you fresh and quality products or your money back”.

Always check all orders once received to ensure they are in good expected condition.

If you think the Order received is not in good condition, call us immediately and ensure it is returned within 1 day of receipt for your full refund.

For perishable items like fresh food , flowers,etc. Kampala Arcade Online would not be able to accept them back for a refund once the goods have been handed over to you.

If a customer decides to return on their terms, delivery charges would not be refunded.

When the wrong delivery address is provided by the customer when placing the order, the cost of attempted delivery would not be refunded. If the Order is perishable, we will not be able to refund the cost of the order itself as it cannot not be resold any longer.

For returns and cancellations please don’t hesitate to whatsapp us on +256774430269 or email us 

Other terms and conditions may apply depending on the situation at hand.