Frequently Asked Questions.

What is

we buy goods from Dubai and deliver to your doorsteps. you shop online from Uganda like you are in UAE.

Save the transport, visa and accommodation costs of travelling to UAE for shopping.

we sell goods both in retail and wholesale. Browse our website for the latest deals on all products.

What are the delivery charges for orders made online?

Delivery fee depends on the value and quantity of goods bought. We shall confirm to you the delivery fee amount once your order is placed.

What are the accepted payment methods?
  • Cash On Delivery.
  • Mobile Money
How long will it take to receive my order?

Expect to receive your order between 2 to 7 days. it mainly depends on the value and quantity of the goods bought

How safe is shopping from your website? is my data protected?

Our website is secure. SSL certificate is installed to ensure all your transactions are completed without compromising your information.

What exactly happens after ordering?
  • We shall receive a notification letting us know the goods you have ordered with their specifications.
  • We shall contact you to confirm the delivery fee.
  • Once the goods arrive in Uganda,we shall pack and deliver the order to your location OR you can pick the goods from our store.
  • Pay once you receive your goods.
  • *****END******
Do i receive an invoice for my order?

Yes, you will receive a detailed bill for the goods bought.

Quantity, price and all other attributes will be mentioned.