Deira, Dubai 

Near Viena Hotel.

WhatsApp: +971553374451

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

Delivery charges depends on the Value and weight of the product.

How long will delivery take?

it may take a maximum of 2- 4 days.

How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?

Our website is secure. SSL certificate is installed to ensure all your transactions are completed without compromising your information.

What exactly happens after ordering?
  • We shall receive a notification letting us know they goods you have ordered with their specifications.
  • we shall pack the goods and send them for delivery to your location and notify you.
  • Pay once you receive your goods.
  • *****END******
Do I receive an invoice for my order?

Yes, you will receive a detailed bill for the goods bought.

Quantity, price and all other attributes will be mentioned.

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